O u r A p p r o a c h
Established Companies vs. Ethnic Home Based Business
Before we committed to this venture, Norman was in business consulting while Aileen was in business conferencing. We got our MBA in University of London and stationed in Shanghai to further our career. As we have family members in Southwest China, we made frequent visits to that area. Southwest China has approx. 50 ethnic groups. These people are friendly, warm hearted, honest and hard working. Due to the lack of business skills, technology and funding, many of their home based businesses are not competitive, putting themselves into difficult financial situation. Our jobs at that time were to help company to growth, we then naturally had this question in mind: established companies vs. ethnic home based businesses, which is in need of help the most?
Ethnic People Inevitably in the Underdog Position
We all know ethnic people, or marginalized producers, require more resource and help, but paradoxically, skills, knowledge and technology always go to places where good profit be generated, i.e. established companies. Ethnic people are, therefore, inevitably, always in the underdog position.
Coach, Partner and Growth with Ethnic People
Non-profit organizations around the world are putting effort to subsidize these people. We want to be part of the force, but in a slightly different angle and approach. We believe to coach them to become a successful business leaders by running a business together with them, could be an effective and sustainable solution. Through coaching and partnership, good business skill, mindset and knowledge can be propagated, and hopefully could improve their chance of success in running a profitable business. Profit is a fuel to acquire skills, knowledge and technology, and is crucial for healthy and sustainable growth.
Small Team, Big Dream
We are a very small team right now but dare to make a big dream of seeing a world to become a fairer and better place. We are prepared to keep the idea of helping the marginalized producers alive, and are willing to commit ourselves to accomplish it, though it will be tough and taking long time. We are idealistic about the fact that 'profit making' and 'helping the poor' are not mutually exclusive. Instead, we believe it is what the 21 century company should do!
We hope you would agree with our idea. It is about reducing poverty, giving hope, providing opportunity, bringing joy, improving harmony, and after all, making the world a better place.

Written by Interact China Co-Founders, Aileen & Norman + Partners July 2007
P.S. We need people with similar passion to join or to partner with us! Please contact Norman or Aileen at interact@interactchina.com to offer your joining or support, or to make any suggestions that you may have in co-operating with us!